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30 Seconds to Understanding Drug Addiction

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Note: This article is in response to West End, Pennsylvania Ambulance Services’ ‘One Breath From Death’ Campaign which considers to be unscientific and unethical. Click here to learn more. Here’s what you need to know: 1. The initial decision to take drugs is usually voluntary and people make this choice for various reasons such as […]

Blood Flow Through the Brain, pt. 3 (Circle of Willis)

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Take a moment to review part 1 and part 2. Now we’ll take a more in-depth look at the Circle of Willis. This is a type of anastomosis, or connection between vessels, which helps preserve blood flow in the brain. Let’s look at some images, first in context of how the Circle is situated in […]

Blood Flow Through the Brain, pt. 2 (The Ride to the Top)

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Let’s get a little more familiar (and look at a cool image) with the path blood takes as it leaves the heart and travels up to the brain. If you don’t recall what we covered in Blood Flow Through the Brain Part 1, take a moment to review. Remember the above picture? Now let’s take a […]

Blood Flow Through the Brain, pt. 1 (Overview)

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We all remember blood flow through the heart being pounded into our heads in school. Knowing the blood flow through the brain is every bit as important and proficiency in the basics of cerebral vasculature can quickly improve your assessment of stroke patients. There is a concept in stroke diagnosis known as localization. This refers to […]

How Neurons Work, pt. 1 (Overview)

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The human brain is constructed of about 100 billion individual neurons (or nerve cells). Each neuron is plays a part in making someone who they are: memories, behavior, quirks, and preferences. When a patient suffers a seizure it’s due to rapid neuronal firing. When a patient becomes unresponsive due to hypoglycemia it’s caused by lack of glucose […]